Legal Measures for the Protection of Homeless People with Mental Illness

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จักรพันธุ์ โอฬาริกชาติ


This article aims to point out legal issues concerning The Homeless Protection Acts, B.E. 2557, and the Mental Health Act B.E. 2551 and their obstacles to solve the matters of homeless people with mental illness   the problem of homeless people who also have a mental illness is one of the problems in urban society, especially in large cities. If we compare the nation as the family which have many problems that need to be resolved, the government, which consists of people who manage the country, is like the head of a family who oversees the well-being of the members of the society. To make it happens, the government must focus on the problems and the need of solution leads to a peaceful society. The problem of homeless people is a problem that the government attaches importance to and the need to come to a solution. In order to solve the problem, The Homeless Protection Acts, B.E. 2557, and the Mental Health Act B.E. 2551 have been enacted by the government and used as a tool to cope with the matters. However, there is a question that both of Acts could be used as a tool in order to solve the problem of homeless people who have mentally illness. This article will point out some of defects are obstacles in order to solve the problems.

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How to Cite
โอฬาริกชาติ จ. (2018). Legal Measures for the Protection of Homeless People with Mental Illness. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(1), 45–55.
Academic Articles


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