The Development of Marketing Mix Based on Customers’ needs for Ceramics Entrepreneurs in Upper North Thailand

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เก็จวลี ศรีจันทร์
ศิริรักษ์ ยาวิราช
ศุภวัชร์ อินฝาง


The purpose of this study was to develop marketing mix based on customers ‘needs for ceramics entrepreneurs in upper north Thailand. This is a qualitative research and the data was collected through the focus group discussion method consisting of 11 interviewees. All information content in the data was analyzed by comparing and was applied with related theories.

In the study, ceramics products were categorized into two types: 1) home appliances and tableware and 2) garden decorations. This can be divided into marketing mix areas:
1) ceramics products were not different. The interviewees bought ceramic products based on their necessity and the simply designed products could attract their taste. However, they didn’t focus on the branded products. 2. Price is the key factor that influenced purchase decision of the interviewee. 3. Place where was most mentioned among interviewees was Lampang province because there were a variety of ceramic products for shopping. Moreover, Lampang province has been a well-known hub of ceramics and potteries industries. 4. For marketing communication, all interviewees said that they had never seen any advertisements or relevant publicity.

The results show that ceramics entrepreneurs should provide made-to-order ceramic products to meet consumers’ needs focusing on the use and function of household items. Tradeshow and exhibitions can be effective marketing strategies to motivate consumers’ buying decision.

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How to Cite
ศรีจันทร์ เ., ยาวิราช ศ., & อินฝาง ศ. (2018). The Development of Marketing Mix Based on Customers’ needs for Ceramics Entrepreneurs in Upper North Thailand. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(1), 57–70.
Research Articles


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