Study and Analysis of Cost, Volumn and Profit on Cotton Hand Weaving Products: A Case Study of Ban Nong Ab Chang Village, Sobtia Sub-District, Chom Thong District, Chiang Mai Province.

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ทศพร ไชยประคอง
ปฐมชัย กรเลิศ


The purposes of this study were to study and analyze cost, volume and profit of the hand woven products  of  Ban Nong Ab Chang Village, Sobtia Sub-district, Chom Thong District, Chiang Mai Province.  The study was conducted by collecting data and analyzing the data obtained from the area by using group discussion and in-depth personal interviews.

The results showed that the producers had long experience in production which inherited from generation to generation. They had income from hand-woven cotton products. The hand woven products were unique which process took quite a long time to produce. The finished goods from hand-woven cotton were ready made dresses, tube skirts, pants, scarves and  bags (shoulder bags) .The colors were durable from the ancient process of dyeing .The unit price was quite high because of the labor cost and production expenses.


The result from study and analysis of cost, volume and profit of hand-woven cotton products showed that most of hand-woven cotton products were school uniforms, blouses, shirts and others. The fixed cost was 59,920 baht per month and the contribution margin per unit at break-even point was 116.75 baht. The total sales amount was 174,440 baht (100%) at break-even point, the variable cost was 123,497.81 baht (70.80%) per month. The gross profit was 50,942.19 baht (29.20%). The findings revealed that the producers could do business by themselves but the government should support them and promote the products to be more modern and professional.

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How to Cite
ไชยประคอง ท., & กรเลิศ ป. (2018). Study and Analysis of Cost, Volumn and Profit on Cotton Hand Weaving Products: A Case Study of Ban Nong Ab Chang Village, Sobtia Sub-District, Chom Thong District, Chiang Mai Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(1), 71–83.
Research Articles


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