Quality of Work Life Affecting Organizational Commitment at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok

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ณัฏฐนันท์ สอดมาลัย
ทศพร มะหะหมัด


The purposes of this study were to determine the level of quality of work life and level of relationship affecting organizational commitment at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok. The samples group were 243 employees by stratified random sampling at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok by using questionnaire as a tool of this study. Collected data was analyzed by using statistic application, such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, F-test, one-way Anova, t-test, Pearson correlation, and regression.

The results has shown that most of respondents were males, age between 33-45 years old, earned high school or vocational certificate, single marital status, monthly income less than 10,000 baht, housekeeping and laundry department, work for organization for at least 9 years. The average picture of the opinions on quality of work life of employees at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok were at medium level, but the average picture of the opinions on the organizational commitment of employees at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok were at high level. The results of hypothesis testing revealed that different personal factors, such as age, income, department affiliates affected organizational commitment of employees at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok. The quality of work life factors, such as growth and security, social integration and the total life space affected organizational commitment of employees at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok at 95 percent confidence level and quality of work life factors of employees at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok correlated to the organizational commitment of employees at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok in the same direction that social integration is the most correlated to organizational commitment of employees at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok at 95 percent confidence level.

Recommendations from the study were that administrative officers should consider comparable and appropriate compensation suitable for job description to other organizations, adjustable to current living expenses, create social events among employees to promote good relationships between individuals, and employees and organizational collaboration to set mission in the same direction which lead to success.

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How to Cite
สอดมาลัย ณ., & มะหะหมัด ท. (2018). Quality of Work Life Affecting Organizational Commitment at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(1), 85–96. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2018.6
Research Articles


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