The Issue of the Disputation in State Property’s Case

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ชนากานต์ ธีระชัยมหิทธิ์


This thesis aims to study and analyzed the concept of State property, including theories and principles relating to establish the judiciary organization, legal system, legal forensics, legal control, administrative action, and conflict of jurisdiction.

This research has studied thru the primary and secondary documentaries resources, appear that, the issue of State property dispute abatements have the following significant legal points, such as the legal status shall be Civil or Administrative issue, the legal status of the lease contract of the State property shall be Civil or Administrative issue. Moreover, the concerned laws, on the conflict of court jurisdiction issue, still unclear. Therefore, the above issues should be studied in order to amend the State property laws, Administrative laws, also the conflict of court jurisdiction laws so that it will be obviousness to specify the court of competent jurisdiction.

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How to Cite
ธีระชัยมหิทธิ์ ช. (2018). The Issue of the Disputation in State Property’s Case. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(1), 107–120.
Research Articles


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