A Study of Customers’ Needs Affecting on Marketing Mix of Ceramic Products in Muang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai

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ชรัญญา สุวรรณเสรีรักษ์
อนวัช จิตต์ปรารพ
รุจิรา สุขมณี


The purpose of this study was to study customers’ needs affecting on marketing mix that enhance decision making of customers to buy ceramic products in Muang Chiang Mai district, Chiang Mai. This is a quantitative research and the samples were 400 Thai consumers who have used or bought ceramic products in Muang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai. Questionnaires were used as a research instrument. Basic statistics and Inference Statistics were used to analyze the data.

The results show that most of the respondents were female, aged 21 – 30 years and earned less than 15,000 Baht per month. They bought and used tableware such as dishes, glasses, and items with household purposes. They frequently purchased ceramic and potteries from flea markets once in 2-3 months with the average purchase cost of 101 - 500 baht per one shopping. They influenced themselves on making decision for purchasing ceramic products. They received information and updated ceramic products online. The factor influencing customers’ buying decision is the characteristics of a product. The marketing mix which was product, price, place, promotion, highly affected on making decision on ceramic products. Guidelines of developing marketing mix for ceramic entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai are: 1) the entrepreneurs should design the products responding to customers’ needs 2) the entrepreneurs should offer prices relevant to the products’ quality 3) the entrepreneurs should provide convenient parking lots for their customers and 4) the consumers also expect skilled salesperson from the shop to provide accurate information about the products.

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How to Cite
สุวรรณเสรีรักษ์ ช., จิตต์ปรารพ อ., & สุขมณี ร. (2018). A Study of Customers’ Needs Affecting on Marketing Mix of Ceramic Products in Muang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(1), 179–193. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2018.5
Research Articles


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