Knowledge Management Measurement and Assessment Affecting Knowledge Management Process: A Case Study of Payap University

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อัญมณี อารีย์
ปัทมาวรรณ จินดารักษ์


The purposes of this research aimed at (1) study the Knowledge Management Measurement and Assessment Affecting Knowledge Management Process (2) Measurement and Assessment of knowledge management that affects knowledge management processes and (3) Comparative study of knowledge management and knowledge management processes of supporting staff and operating core. A study of PAYAP University personnel was 258 in total with the use of questionnaire as a research tool. The statistics used in the analysis were the mean, standard deviation, Confirmatory factor analysis, Correlation Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis,  Simple regression analysis And t-test.

The results of research were as follows: (1) Knowledge management measurement and assessment model includes leadership, strategic planning, Customer Focus, Measurement Analysis and Knowledge Management, workforce focus, process management and results. Factor Loading were 0.897, 0.897, 0.878, 0.946, 0.964, and 0.953, respectively. Chi square (gif.latex?X^{2}) = 7.927 at independent degrees (df) = 6. Probability (p) = 0.243 GFI = 0.990, AGFI = 0.966, RMSEA = 0.035, RMR = 0.003, and the knowledge management process model consists of the Knowledge Identification, Knowledge Creation and Acquisition, Knowledge Organization, Knowledge Codification and Refinement, Knowledge Access, Knowledge Sharing, Learning. Factor Loading were 0.677, 0.935, 0.888, 0.951, 0.888 and 0.944, respectively. Chi square (gif.latex?X^{2}) = 12.517 at independent degrees (df) = 8. Probability (p) = 0.130 GFI index = 0.986, AGFI = 0.952, RMSEA = 0.047, RMR = 0.0096 (2) the results of knowledge management measurement and assessment that affect the knowledge management process. Measurement and assessment were highly correlated with the knowledge management process. The overall score was 0.892. Considering each aspect Knowledge management measurement and assessment, leadership, strategic planning, Customer Focus, Measurement Analysis and Knowledge Management, workforce focus, process management and results, the correlation coefficients were 0.853, 0.856, 0.785, 0.856, 0.851 and 0.827, respectively. Since they were high correlations among independent variables, it leads to the state of Multicollinearity. Thus, by using simple regression analysis, it was found that the measurement and assessment of knowledge management affect knowledge management process in all aspects. (3) Comparative study of knowledge management and knowledge management process of supporting staff and operating core. There was no statistically significant difference at 0.05.

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How to Cite
อารีย์ อ., & จินดารักษ์ ป. (2018). Knowledge Management Measurement and Assessment Affecting Knowledge Management Process: A Case Study of Payap University. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(1), 195–208.
Research Articles


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