Factors Affecting the Decisions making to buy Counter Brand Cosmetics through online Channel of Women in Bangkok.

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พิมพจีส์ ณ เชียงใหม่
บุญญรัตน์ สัมพันธ์วัฒนชัย


The purpose of this research is to study 1) The marketing mix factors that influence the decision making to buy counter brand cosmetics of women in Bangkok
2) Social and Economic factors that affect to the decision making to buy counter brand cosmetics from online channel. Our survey took  place in central Bangkok and all the representative are people who used to purchase counter brand cosmetics through online channel. The sampling size is 385 which able to deliver accuracy rate 0.914The information analysis come from 2 key categories, Descriptive statistics and Inferential statistics.  Descriptive statistics are the frequency distribution by percentage, average score cards. For the Inferential statistics is included Standard deviation and Multiple regression which direct reflect to the representative. They are from 20 -30, single, bachelor degree, private company employee which salary 15,000-25,000 Bath. The hypothesis has shown that Social and Economic factors are deeply influence the decision making to buy counter brand cosmetics through online channel of women in Bangkok. For other marketing factors, Product, Price, Promotion and Channel of distribution are all important to influence the decision making.

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How to Cite
ณ เชียงใหม่ พ., & สัมพันธ์วัฒนชัย บ. (2019). Factors Affecting the Decisions making to buy Counter Brand Cosmetics through online Channel of Women in Bangkok. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(2), 129–142. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2018.26
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