Evaluation and Testing of Semi-automatic Tourniquet

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ปิยดา วิริเยนะวัตร์
สุธี อินทรชาติ
นิติ เมธีศิริวัฒน์
กิตติศักดิ์ แสนประเสริฐ
สุธี พานิชกุล


Introduction: The insurgency in southern Thailand has caused great loss to army troops. One of the most common traumas is threatening limb injuries. The tourniquet is one method that can stop bleeding effectively and save lives. However, the elastic rubber tourniquets currently used retain many disadvantages. Objective: To determine time to stop bleeding at all limbs using the new semi-automatic tourniquet. Methods: An experimental research was conducted involving sergeant medics from the Army Medical Field Service School of the Royal Thai Army Medical Department. The elastic rubber tourniquet and the new semi-automatic tourniquet were compared regarding time needed to stop blood perfusion at the arms and legs. The study was conducted in both self-usage form and do-to-others form. Also, satisfaction with the new semi-automatic tourniquet was assessed. Results: The study enrolled a total of 16 participants. Concerning self-usage, a significant difference was found regarding time needed to stop blood perfusion between the elastic rubber tourniquet and the semi-automatic tourniquet at p-value < 0.001. The semi-automatic tourniquet could stop blood perfusion faster with an average time of 10.74 seconds at the arm and 8.38 seconds at the leg while the elastic rubber tourniquet took 23.84 and 17.57 seconds for both the arm and leg. In the experiment-to-others form, the semi-automatic tourniquet (8.55 seconds) could stop blood perfusion faster than the elastic rubber tourniquet (13.31 seconds) at the arm but no difference was found in time between these tourniquets at the leg. Satisfaction for the new semi-automatic tourniquet was assessed as maximum. Conclusion: The new semi-automatic tourniquet could stop bleeding faster than the elastic rubber tourniquet. This tourniquet could be further developed and adjusted to serve as portable life-saving equipment for combat personnel, which can be self-used for threatening limb injuries and furnish another option concerning life-saving methods.

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นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ (Original Article)


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