Anti-inflammatory effects of rhein and crude extracts from Cassia alata L. in HaCaT cells

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Nushjira Pongnimitprasert
Kwanchanok Wadkhien
Chatchai Chinpaisal
Malai Satiraphan
Penpan Wetwitayaklung


Cassia alata L. is a medicinal plant and is in the Thai traditional household herbal drug list. Furthermore, C. alata leaves extract has been reported to have anti-inflammatory activities. The rhein, an active component, can inhibit inflammation via suppressing reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, leading to decreased cytokines (TNF-α, IL-8). However, the role of anti-inflammation on skin has been investigated only in a few research. The rhein in C. alata leaves extract was determined by HPLC. The anti-inflammatory effects of rhein and C. alata leaves extract on tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced oxidative stress in HaCaT cells were evaluated. Anti-inflammatory activities of C. alata leaves extract were compared with rhein standard via inhibition of ROS generation and production of TNF-α and IL-8. The results showed that rhein content in C. alata leaves extract was 0.1225% w/w. Rhein (1-50 μM) significantly reduced ROS generation in a concentration-dependent manner, and paralleled the decrease in TNF-α and IL-8 production. C. alata leaves extract exhibited stronger anti-inflammatory effect than rhein at same concentration. These findings indicate that rhein and C. alata leaves extract may reduce inflammation by decreasing TNF-α and IL-8 as a result of ROS reduction. These results indicate that C. alata leaves may have the possibility of role as an anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, further studies need to be performed.


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How to Cite
Pongnimitprasert, N., Wadkhien, K., Chinpaisal, C., Satiraphan, M., & Wetwitayaklung, P. (2018). Anti-inflammatory effects of rhein and crude extracts from Cassia alata L. in HaCaT cells. Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 12(1), 19–32.
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