The Implementation of Polya’s Model in Solving Problem-Questions in Mathematics by Grade 7 Students
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This research reports a study of the difficulties the students face in problem solving questions in mathematics and how to tackle it by using George Polya’s four-step problem solving model. The objectives of this research are 1) to develop the solving problem-questions skills in mathematics by using George Polya’s model for grade 7 students, and 2) to evaluate students’ achievements in mathematics on problem solving questions after using Polya’s problem solving model.
A mixed of quantitative and qualitative methodologies were conducted in this study. The subjects of this study were a group of ten grade 7 students of an international school. The research tools were a pre-test before the treatment and a post-test after the treatment. The test included ten questions of problem solving which contained five “multiple choice questions” and five “long answer questions” for reading comprehension purpose. The data was collected and compared by quantitative analysis using mean, percentage and standard deviation, and by qualitative content analysis.
The results from the pre and post tests were obtained, analyzed, and compared to find the improvement of the students’ performances while answering the problem solving questions. This study concludes with suggestions of methods that teachers can use to help the students overcome their difficulties in problem solving questions in mathematics.
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