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วรางคณา เรียนสุทธิ์



The objective of this study was to construct and select the appropriate forecasting model for the factory pineapple prices with Box-Jenkins method. The data gathered from the website of Office of Agricultural Economics during January, 1997 to April, 2018 of 256 values were used and divided into 2 sets. The first set had 244 values from January, 1997 to April, 2017 for constructing the forecasting models. The second set had 12 values from May, 2017 to April, 2018 for comparing the accuracy of the forecasting models via the criterion of the lowest root mean squared error. Research findings indicated that the most accurate model was I(1) MA(1, 3) SMA(1) with no constant and can be written as a forecasting model: .

Keywords: pineapple; Box-Jenkins method; root mean squared error (RMSE)


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How to Cite
เรียนสุทธิ์ ว. (2019). การพยากรณ์ราคาสับปะรดโรงงานด้วยวิธีบอกซ์-เจนกินส์. Thai Journal of Science and Technology, 8(2), 105–115. https://doi.org/10.14456/tjst.2019.21
Author Biography

วรางคณา เรียนสุทธิ์

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