The electrocardiogram of the conscious Chinese goose (Anser cygnoides)


  • Mehmet Kaya
  • Metin Çenesiz


Anser cygnoides, Chinese goose, Electrocardiography, Heart rate, Mean electrical axis


This study was carried out on 24 healthy adult Chinese goose (Anser cygnoides) to determine normal
electrocardiographic values and patterns in standard bipolar and augmented bipolar limb leads. The study between
males and females was also performed to investigate changes in the electrocardiographic patterns related to sex. A
regular sinus rhythm was observed in all birds. There was no significant difference between male and female geese
except for PR interval, therefore, all data was pooled. All waves in lead I had very low amplitude or almost isoelectric.
The P waves, in other leads, were mainly positive in lead II, III and aVF, negative in lead aVR and biphasic in lead aVL.
The all waveforms of the QRS complexes (approx. -0.90 mV and 0.03 seconds in lead II) were rS in lead II, III and aVF,
and qR in lead aVR and aVL. The T waves (approx. 0.31 mV and 0.06 seconds in lead II) were totally positive in lead II,
III and aVF, and negative in aVR and aVL. The majority of birds showed a ST slurring and slightly elevated ST segment
in lead II. Heart rates were 142 ± 25 (Mean ± SD) beats per minute and mean electrical axes were -90.88±4.57 in geese.
This study provides electrocardiographic data for Chinese goose, which can be used for clinical purposes.




How to Cite

Kaya, M., & Çenesiz, M. (2018). The electrocardiogram of the conscious Chinese goose (Anser cygnoides). The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 48(3), 487–492. retrieved from



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