The Empowerment of Primigravida Mothers for Six Months Exclusive Breastfeeding


  • ดาวรรณ แพงโพธิ์ Graduate Students in Master Degree of Science Major in Community Nurse Practitioner, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
  • ปัญญรัตน์ ลาภวงศ์วัฒนา Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Nursing, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
  • ณัฐกมล ชาญสาธิตพร Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University


empowerment, primigravida mothers, exclusive breastfeeding


          This study aimed to examine the effects of the empowerment of primigravida mothers for six months exclusive breastfeeding on breastfeeding behaviors. The subjects of this study were primigravida mothers and primary supporters. This quasi-experimental study comprised an experimental group (n = 26 pairs) and a comparison group (n = 27 pairs), totaling 53 pairs, in which subjects were randomly assigned by purposive sampling. The experimental group was assigned to receive  activities to promote empowerment based on Gibson’s theory which included 4 steps of empowerment: discovering reality, critical reflection, taking charge, and holding on. There were four activities: at the first time before delivery and three times postpartum (within 7 days, during 8-15 days and during 16-42 days postpartum). Education, home visit, and the primary supporters for breastfeeding promotion were included in this study, and case record forms were recorded by a researcher. Data were collected by questionnaires: perception of empowerment, breastfeeding behaviors and behaviors of primary supporter towards breastfeeding promotion before intervention and at the follow-up period (after 6 months postpartum). Data were analyzed statistically using independent t-test. The results showed an increase in the mean score of perception of empowerment in breastfeeding with a high level in the experimental group and were significantly higher than the comparison group (p=.041) at the follow-up period. The mean score of the breastfeeding behaviors and behaviors of the primary supporter towards breastfeeding promotion in the experimental group were significantly higher than the comparison group (p=.001 and p=.006 respectively), and the experimental group had a rate of exclusive breastfeeding for six months significantly higher than that of the comparison group (61.5% and 33.3%, respectively).


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บทความวิจัย (Research Report)