อิทธิพลของการใช้เห็ดจั่นต่อการเจริญเติบโตของยาสูบพันธุ์เวอร์จิเนียและยางพาราพันธุ์ RRIM600
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The study of utilization of Tricholoma crassum to enhance growth of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Virginia) and Para rubber (Hevea brasiliensis cv. RRIM600) was done. The experiment was divided into 7 groups as group 1 soil without sorghum and T. crassum, group 2, 3 and 4 soil with sorghum 100, 200 and 300 g/bag, respectively, group 5, 6 and 7 soil with T. crassum in sorghum 100, 200 and 300 g/bag, respectively. For tobacco, the experiment was done for 2 months and number of leaves, width of leaves, length of leaves, height, root weight, weight of fresh leaves and survival rate were determined. For Para rubber, the experiment was done for 3.5 months and number of leaves, width of leaves, length of leaves, height, circumference of trunk, diameter of trunk and survival rate were determined. For tobacco, the results revealed that group 1 had the highest number of leaves, height, root weight and weight of fresh leaves as 20.29±1.70 leaves, 57.2±9.2 cm, 77.54±18.39 g and 10.95±1.48 g, respectively (p < 0.05). But, the difference of width of leaves, length of leaves and survival rate between groups were not detected (p > 0.05). For Para rubber, the results showed that group 3 had the highest number of leaves as 12.00±3.50 leaves (p > 0.05). Group 5 had the highest width of leaves, length of leaves and height as 16.8±2.2, 10.9±1.0 and 31.6±9.6 cm, respectively (p > 0.05). Group 2 had the highest circumference of trunk and diameter of trunk as 15.84±1.43 and 4.97±0.40 mm, respectively (p > 0.05). Group 5 and 7 had the highest survival rate (p < 0.05). Thus, using of T. crissum has the negative effect to growth and productivity of tobacco cv. Virginia while it could be enhancing survival rate of Para rubber cv. RRIM600.
Keywords: Tricholoma crissum; Nicotiana tabacum; Hevea brasiliensis; growth
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