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Biodiesel production cost is one of parameters defining the retail price of diesel currently being blended between biodiesel and diesel from petroleum. Therefore, excellent biodiesel production process can reduce the retail price. This research studies the factors that affect to biodiesel production from the used palm oil in a continuous flow system under microwave heating. The used palm oil was passed through the esterification process for reducing the amount of free fatty acid from 1.83 %wt. to 0.31 %wt. Then, this oil was passed through the transesterification process under the conditions such as the temperature of 50-60 ºC, alcohol to oil molar ratio in range of 6 : 1 to 12 : 1 and catalyst concentration of 1.0-2.5 %wt. From the studied results, the optimum conditions for transesterification were 60 ºC, 12 : 1 molar ratio of alcohol, and potassium hydroxide concentration of 2.5 %wt of catalyst, which resulted in 89.4 % FAMEs content. In addition, the biodiesel production from a tubular membrane reactor gave biodiesel with high purity than that from a regular tubular reactor under the same reaction conditions.
Keywords: biodiesel; microwave; used palm oil; potassium hydroxide; two-step reaction
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