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The study of “Relationship among urban expansion from night time light satellite imageries, urban land use, and population density” aims to (1) monitor urban expansion of Chiang Mai city from nighttime light satellite imageries, (2) find relationship among urban expansion, urban land use, and population density. The study areas are in Chiang Mai city and surrounding areas in 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2013. Nighttime light satellite imageries from the Operational Linescan System (OLS) of each year were extracted digital number of urban land use. Landsat data were used to classify urban land use in the same area and population density data from the Bureau of Registration Administration, Administrative Department were reclassified and created population density map. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was selected to analyze relationship among urban expansion, urban land use, and population density. The results showed that digital number range of the urban areas is 54-63 and urban expansion is from central urban areas to the south part. Relationship among urban expansion, urban land use, and population density in 4 years with Pearson’s correlation coefficient revealed that there is a significant (p < 0.05) positive correlation among urban expansion and urban land use (R2 = 0.894) and population density (R2 = 0.615).
Keywords: urban expansion; night time light satellite imageries; urban land use; population density; Chiang Mai city
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