การทดแทนแป้งสาลีบางส่วนด้วยแป้งถั่วฝักยาวสีม่วงสิรินธร เบอร์ 1 ในคุกกี้
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The present study aims to find out the optimum ratio of the purple yard long bean flour (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis) cv. Sirindhorn No. 1 substituted for wheat flour in cookie products. The purple yard long bean flour was obtained by hot air drying at 50 ํC for 15 hours and ground. The purple yard long bean flour contained protein, moisture content, fat, fiber, ash and carbohydrate at 1.88±0.05, 7.58±0.30, 1.53±0.19, 13.23±0.54, 5.63±0.05 and 79.52±0.55 % respectively, The flour had water activity (aw) of 0.31±0.00, L* value of 56.47±0.24, a* value of 3.73±0.31 and b* value of 16.52±0.51. The purple yard long bean flour was then used to substitute wheat flour in cookies at 20, 30 and 40 % substitution levels. The results showed that increasing amount of the purple yard long bean flour addition resulted in decreasing the L* and a* value compared to the control formula (P < 0.05). Cookie with the purple yard long bean flour compared to the control formula, increasing % substitution with the purple yard long bean flour resulted in aw hardness, moisture content, fiber, ash, total phenolic content, % radical scavenging activity (% RSA), whereas decreasing in carbohydrate (P < 0.05). Sensory evaluation showed that the scores of color, odor, taste, texture and overall preference cookies substituted with the purple yard long bean flour were less than control formula (P < 0.05). Cookie with 20 % purple yard long bean flour substitution were acceptable.
Keywords: purple yard long bean; cookie; antioxidant
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