Social Media Advertising via Mobile Device to Enhance Consumer Brand Engagement, Brand Loyalty and Purchase Intention: Literature Review

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Weeraporn Supotthamjaree
Preeda Srinaruewan


This article aims to review related literatures to develop concept of social media advertising via mobile device that will enhance consumer brand engagement, brand loyalty, and purchase intention by using the S-O-R Model: Stimulus-Organism-Response Model that describes the relationship of variables from the conceptual framework. From the literature review, the relationship of variables shows the relationship direction as follow: social media advertising is directly related to consumer brand engagement and purchase intention.  While consumer brand engagement as the intermediate variable affect directly to the purchase intention and brand loyalty. In addition, brand loyalty affects purchase intention.

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Supotthamjaree, W., & Srinaruewan, P. (2018). Social Media Advertising via Mobile Device to Enhance Consumer Brand Engagement, Brand Loyalty and Purchase Intention: Literature Review. WMS Journal of Management, 7(3), 114–130. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Weeraporn Supotthamjaree

Maejo University, Chiangmai, Thailand

Preeda Srinaruewan

Maejo University, Chiangmai, Thailand


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