Corporate Identity that Affect Customer Loyalty to A Foreign Bank Case Studies, Bank of China (Thailand) CO.,LTD.(Thailand)

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Paisal Rittigul
Siripat Chodchuang


Identity is a key strategy for creating different types of corporate identity so that customer awareness and loyalty to result in most organizations. This research aimed to identify organizations that influence the loyalty of customers who use the service. Questionnaires were used to collect data. The study of people who come to Thailand and Commercial Bank of China (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Thailand) from 2 to 400 people. Data were analyzed using statistics to calculate the average. standard deviation And regression analysis simple. The research found that customers perceived corporate identity at a high level overview. And reviews the overall fidelity is moderate. And the identity of the organization affect the loyalty of repeat customers as usual. Buying across product lines and services. Tell the other person The immune to being attracted to competitors. Customers of Bank of China (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Thailand).

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How to Cite
Rittigul, P., & Chodchuang, S. (2017). Corporate Identity that Affect Customer Loyalty to A Foreign Bank Case Studies, Bank of China (Thailand) CO.,LTD.(Thailand). WMS Journal of Management, 6(3), 32–42. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Paisal Rittigul

Faculty of Arts And Management Sciences Prince of Songkla University SuratThani Campus

Siripat Chodchuang

Faculty of Arts And Management Sciences Prince of Songkla University SuratThani Campus


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