A Simple Method of Potential Biomass Feasibility: A Case Study of Potential Rubberwood Biomass Feasibility as Feedstock for a Very Small Biomass Power Plant in the Three Southern Border Provinces

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Chaiya Kongmanee
Vichot Jongrungrot
Buncha Somboonsuke
Purawich Phitthayaphinant


The three southern border provinces have a potential in rubberwood biomass production to supply a very small biomass power plant. The objectives of this study included (1) to propose a simple method of potential rubberwood biomass feasibility, (2) to find out key factors affecting variation in amount of rubberwood biomass, and (3) to describe supply of rubberwood biomass for a very small biomass power plant. Data used were annual time-series data during 1999 to 2014 and in-depth interview data from key informants. These key informants were selected by the purposive selection technique. The derived data were analyzed using appropriate descriptive statistics, quantitative analysis and manifest content analysis. The results showed that the amount of remaining rubberwood biomass in Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani provinces ensured that there were enough affordable feedstock to meet demand for rubberwood biomass of a very small biomass power plant. They were forecasted to range between 46,192 to 48,820, 43,969 to 47,118, and 14,838 to 18,351 tons per month, respectively. The key factors affecting variation in amount of rubberwood biomass were farm prices of rubberwood, farm prices of para-rubber, age of para-rubber plantations and rubber latex production, competitions of players in the utilization of rubberwood biomass, and related government policies. The supplies of rubberwood biomass for a very small biomass power plant could be classified into 4 options. They were: (1) para-rubber farmers as well as their groups, (2) rubberwood sawn timber factories, (3) private rubberwood collection centers, and (4) middlemen.

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How to Cite
Kongmanee, C., Jongrungrot, V., Somboonsuke, B., & Phitthayaphinant, P. (2017). A Simple Method of Potential Biomass Feasibility: A Case Study of Potential Rubberwood Biomass Feasibility as Feedstock for a Very Small Biomass Power Plant in the Three Southern Border Provinces. WMS Journal of Management, 6(3), 93–106. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/wms/article/view/99795
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Chaiya Kongmanee

Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Economics, Prince of Songkla University

Vichot Jongrungrot

Program in Agricultural Technology and Community Development, Faculty of Technology and Community Development, Thaksin University

Buncha Somboonsuke

Program in Agricultural Technology and Community Development, Faculty of Technology and Community Development, Thaksin University

Purawich Phitthayaphinant

Program in Agricultural Technology and Community Development, Faculty of Technology and Community Development, Thaksin University


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